16.06.2023 209


The Final Chapter

They were both startled by the light shining on their faces. At first they could not make sense of the words of the watchman. Mr. Pendanski was holding the flashlight on their faces. They started asking questions before they even felt well enough.

“Why are you here?” 
"What are you doing here?"

Shocked by their capture, both of them showed the chest before they could say a word. As soon as they showed the chest, Mr.Sir took the chest from Zero's lap and opened the lid. Stanley and Zero didn't know what to do at that moment. 

When Mr.Sir saw the contents of the chest, he focused excitedly on them. At that moment, a lizard jumped out of one corner of the chest. Zero saw this and stiffened. As Stanley was trying to figure out exactly what had happened to Zero, a gunshot suddenly rose up around him. All eyes turned to the direction the gunshot came from. Just then, X-ray crashed into Zero as he was running away with the chest next to Mr.Sir, and Zero fell into the pit.

“ZERO!” shouted Stanley with all his might.

After the X-ray hit Zero, he was suddenly stunned and dropped the chest he was holding. The watchman took this opportunity and took the chest with Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski and left them there. Just as the X-ray was about to escape, Stanley's voice stopped him.

“X ray!” As soon as he heard the X-ray sound, he turned towards Stanley.

"Why did you do this?"  asked Stanley. X-ray replied angrily.

“Are you kidding me, Stanley? Who would want to be punished in a place like this, look around!”
With those words, Stanley looked around and saw that truth.

“Everywhere is desert, our means are limited. We dig holes for hours every day, but we don't even get a shower in return. Although I am innocent, I am here. This place is nothing but hell.”

"That still doesn't explain why they did it." Stanley began to understand everything.

“So that's why you wanted us to bring it to you if we found something interesting.”

The X-ray nodded in agreement and the words spilled out of his mouth.
"Sorry caveman, I didn't want that to happen either."  After saying that, X-ray walked away from there as if nothing had happened.

Stanley went down to the pit to help Zero. He tried to wake Zero up, but Zero couldn't get up. Zero groaned in pain as Stanley tried to figure out what had happened to Zero, and Stanley suddenly caught sight of the scar on Zero's foot.

“ZERO!” shouted Stanley.



Alternative ending for the Novel Holes


After Stanley and Zero arrived at the Camp, they have to wait for the nightfall, so that the camp is asleep and they can start digging their hole undisturbed. As soon as it’s dark and the camp is quiet, they start to dig the hole in the hope to find the treasure from Kate Barlow. After some time has already passed, there was no treasure at the end of the hole, but Stanley and Zero won’t give up. After another period of time, they start getting thirsty and so one of them has to sneak into the camp, to refill their jars with water. Now with more hydration, they continued digging for another few hours, up to that moment when there was a hollow dumpsound at that point, where the shovel hits the ground. Both were confused, because no one has countet with that really, one moment later they had excavated a small chest wich was locked by a smal rusty lock. Both were very excited, because they had found the tresure of the famous criminal „Kissin‘ Kate Barlow“, but the happy emotions are ending up only one moment later in a shock, when they were blinded by bright lights from everywhere. Another moment later, they realized a shadow approaching the upper end of the hole, but they can’t figure out who the person was. A few seconds later the shadow starts speaking with the voice of the Warden when she requested them to give up and to hand her over the small chest. Stanley and Zero looked at each other and they saw in their eyes, that both realized that it’s over and so they have to hand out the tresure to the Warden. As soon as the Warden holds the chest in her fingers, she snapped with her fingers and a guard stepped next to her and handed her out a small pliers with wich one she cutts oft he lock from the chest so she can look inside, but instead of gold or other expensive things, there were only some jars in a dark mud and a smell of onions is spreading in the air. The Warden was so confused that there is no gold or something similar, that she didn’t realised that there was a letter in the chest too. The inscription was damaged because of the mud, but they were able to read „From Sam to Kathrina Barlow“. No one knows what that means but Stanley and Zero used the moment of confusion to escape a second time, they were running through the desert and no one follows them, they were walking for hours until they lost their last strenght, so they have to take shelter under a old tree. Their jars were empty and they had no power, after another hour Stanley sees a small dustcloud appearing on the horizon wich starts growing further and further. Stanley thought that it’s Mr. Sir who want’s to catch them one’s and forall, so he takes his last power to stand up and take Zero to flee. But at that  moment, when he tells Zero that they hav to run, Zero is not responding to his question. Stanley shakes him, because he thinks that Zero has fallen asleep, but Zero doesn’t start moving, at that Moment Stanley realised that Zero’s eyes were opened wide. In that Moment Stanley’s body startsshaking and he was stunned because he was shoked so much. At the same Time the Car arrived the old Tree and the door was opened, but instead of Mr. Sir the Warden steps out oft he Car and some Camp Guards grabbed Stanley an putted him into the Car. Zero was still leaned at the Tree, as the Cars starts driving back to the Camp with Stanley who has to restthere for the end of his Sentence. Since Zeros Data were deleted, he has never Existed and theSecret of Camp green Lake is kept for now…

-The End- 





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